
BlockBase is building a DAC
The BlockBase team is thrilled to announce that it is decentralizing its endeavors! We are building a DAC (Decentralized Autonomous Corporation) so that the community can participate on the future of BlockBase. We have been planning this for many months, and now we are ready to move forward.
Read the full post >February 22, 2021

Boid partners with BlockBase
We are thrilled to announce that Boid will be joining the BlockBase Network! Boid is one of the longest running and innovative projects on the EOSIO landscape and we couldn’t be more proud to partner with them!
Read the full post >December 02, 2020

BlockBase Development Toolkit Intro
The BlockBase team has been working very hard on improving the BlockBase platform's usability. For the last few months, we've been focused on ensuring the network's stability. We are proud to say that this milestone has been achieved for some time now. BlockBase sidechains just work out-of-the-box! Nodes can leave and rejoin, get their sidechains properly synced and continue happily producing along.
Read the full post >November 11, 2020

BlockBase Scalability Design
BlockBase was designed to scale. This was something the team focused on right from the start. The main reasoning behind our approach to scaling BlockBase stands on the idea that everyone that needs a blockchain, should have one tailored for them.
Read the full post >October 19, 2020

HireVibes joins the BlockBase Network
We’re proud to announce a partnership between BlockBase and HireVibes. HireVibes is at the forefront of solving a big problem in the recruitment industry.
Read the full post >August 13, 2020

Join the Kick-Start of the BlockBase Network
The time to kick-start the BlockBase Network has come. We’re proud to announce a new token distribution program that benefits everyone who wants to participate on the network as a service provider. We’re going to request a sidechain for us, and we’re going to pay for it.
Read the full post >May 27, 2020

BlockBase Past, Present and Future
Today, BlockBase is distributing 2.5M tokens for airgrab #7. We've had 486 registrations on this airgrab, from which 283 didn't follow the rules for airgrabbing or were blacklisted, leaving only 203 accounts to join the list of accounts to receive tokens.
Read the full post >May 13, 2020

BlockBase beta has arrived
After more than 3 years since the concept was first envisioned, and 1.5 years of active research and development, we’ve finally moved into the EOS main net.
Read the full post >April 23, 2020

BlockBase Airgrab #6 Distribution Results
The BBT token distribution for Airgrab #6 will start today on April 9. Continuing what has happened on the last two airgrabs, we will distribute tokens to all accounts that have registered on all previous airgrabs and that have followed registration rules and that have not been blacklisted.
Read the full post >April 09, 2020

BlockBase Pixel Demo App
The BlockBase team has developed a simple proof-of-concept app that showcases the power of BlockBase. It’s an online drawing app where anyone can go and draw whatever they want there (disclaimer: BlockBase isn’t responsible for what people draw, we’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff there for the past few days).
Read the full post >March 19, 2020

BlockBase Airgrab #5 Distribution Results
The BBT token distribution for Airgrab #5 will start on March the 11th. Similarly to what happened on the previous airgrab, this airgrab will include all accounts that registered on all previous airgrabs and that pass our periodic analysis. We plan to keep this distribution model for upcoming monthly airgrabs.
Read the full post >March 11, 2020

Sandbox Release Information
The BlockBase team has recently released an online sandbox where anyone can test BlockBase’s main database querying functionalities without the need to run a full node. This release takes BlockBase one step closer to main net as a beta version, and showcases BlockBase’s functionalities to anyone who’s interested in using the platform.
Read the full post >February 21, 2020

BlockBase Airgrab #4 Distribution Results
The token distribution for Airgrab #4 will start on February the 10th around 8:00 EST. This airgrab and all following airgrabs will include all accounts that registered for previous airgrabs and that pass our periodic analysis. We decided to change the distribution model because we noticed a big drop on signups during the holidays at the end of 2019 that never recovered to previously registered numbers.
Read the full post >February 10, 2020

New Update to BBT Distribution Model
We’ve been following the number of signups on BlockBase monthly airgrabs for three and a half months now, and we’ve noticed a big drop on the number of signups. The first airgrab had 20k signups, from which 10k accounts were selected, the second had 27k signups where 15k accounts selected, but the third one had only 5k signups and only 2.5k accounts selected. We’re on airgrab #4 now, and currently only 1.2k accounts have signed up for the airgrab.
Read the full post >January 23, 2020

BlockBase is running on EOS Jungle Test Net
BlockBase is running on EOS Jungle Test Net! This is a big milestone on our development roadmap. We are currently focused on testing the sidechains consensus mechanism.
Read the full post >January 15, 2020

BlockBase Airgrab #3 Distribution Results
The token distribution for Airgrab #3 will start tomorrow, January 11, around 07:00 EST. This airgrab had 5,015 signups which is the lowest number so far on BlockBase's airgrabs. Because of that, all participants that followed the rules and that weren't banned will receive much more BBT than the participants from previous airgrabs.
Read the full post >January 10, 2020

Two new rules for airgrabbing after December 20
The goal of BlockBase’s airgrab is to have a broad and fair distribution of tokens. That’s why it was designed with a 24-month period, where any account can grab. Unfortunately, this model has suffered from abuse twice now, on airgrab #1 and on airgrab #2. Our analysis tools enabled us to detect thousands of accounts that belonged to the same entities, which were used to mass register.
Read the full post >December 17, 2019

BlockBase Airgrab #2 Distribution Results
The token distribution for airgrab #2 will start tomorrow, on December 11, around 10:00 EST. We had again many abusive registrations, similar to what happened on airgrab #1. As said before, the goal of BlockBase’s airgrab is to have a fair and broad distribution of tokens. Registration abuse isn’t in any way aligned with the goal of that distribution model. Therefore, all accounts marked as abusive won’t receive any tokens and won’t be able to register on future airgrabs.
Read the full post >December 10, 2019

BlockBase Year One in Review
BlockBase has earned its deserved attention on the EOS community and on the tech media this first year of project development. Being an innovative project for the secure storage of databases on blockchain, that was also funded by the EU, and that brought a new airgrab model for its token, brought a lot of interest from the public. Many things have happened during the last year.
Read the full post >November 27, 2019

BlockBase Airgrab #1 Distribution Results
Today, BlockBase started the distribution of BBT tokens for airgrab #1. We had many abusive registrations and in order to protect the goal of having a fair and broad distribution of tokens, we had to resort to not transferring tokens to all accounts that were marked as abusive. More information about that decision can be found
Read the full post >November 11, 2019

BlockBase Airgrab #1 Status Report
Today, BlockBase main EOS account blockbasetkn issued 6428572 BBT for distribution. This corresponds to 1/7th of 45% of 100M BBT. These tokens will be distributed after the first airgrab ends on November 8th, and we think it’s time we made an official status report on it.
Read the full post >October 29, 2019

BlockBase Token Distribution Roadmap tl;dr Version
On the 8th of October BlockBase started its first airgrab. It was a very special event for BlockBase and it started with a bang.
Read the full post >October 14, 2019

BlockBase Token Distribution Roadmap
The development of BlockBase has been a very enriching experience for our team. Since its inception in 2017, we’ve gone through many important and special milestones.
Read the full post >September 9, 2019

Use cases for Sidechains
The scalability problem is one that has plagued the Blockchain community since the very early days of Bitcoin. Due to the nature of decentralization and proof-of-work security, the speed at which transactions can be approved and included in the blockchain is naturally limited, and there’s only so much you can do by increasing block sizes and reducing the time between each block.
Read the full post >August 29, 2019

Proof of Stake as a replacement to Proof of Work
With the introduction of Bitcoin, a new paradigm called blockchain emerged that had the possibility of providing a long range of services without the need for a central authority to control and to ensure the security and the integrity of the system.
Read the full post >August 6, 2019

There’s Nothing Wrong with Powerful Producers
On June 17, 2018 7 EOS accounts were frozen. From that moment on, EOS started getting negative criticism for allowing producers to freeze accounts. But is this really a problem?
Read the full post >June 18, 2019

Why Smart Contracts Matter
Blockchain technology is considered as one of the biggest innovations of this century given its effects on several sectors, from finance to education as well as videogames. Contrary to what many people might think, blockchain technology didn’t appear with Bitcoin, its history dates to the early 90’s.
Read the full post >May 22, 2019

Why BlockBase
In today’s organizations information is distributed and replicated by various computer systems, each with different levels of security, all of which being subject to hacking or social engineering attacks.
Read the full post >May 22, 2019