BlockBase Airgrab #1 Distribution Results
Ricardo Schiller - November 11, 2019
Today, BlockBase started the distribution of BBT tokens for airgrab #1. We had many abusive registrations and in order to protect the goal of having a fair and broad distribution of tokens, we had to resort to not transferring tokens to all accounts that were marked as abusive. More information about that decision can be found here.
From 21,820 accounts registered only 9,948 were selected for receiving tokens. The list of approved accounts can be found below. Due to the current EOS network CPU congestion, we will need about 7 days to transfer all tokens to distribute. Also, you can find a chart that shows the number of daily registrations and abusive registrations that were detected.
Before checking if your account is listed, please remember that the account you registered for airgrab #1 won’t receive tokens on any further airgrabs. If you want to join airgrab #2, you have to register with another account.
Also, airgrab #2 has currently much less registrations than airgrab #1, so it could lead to a better registration opportunity.
List of selected accounts
Account Name | Amount to receive | Has received tokens | Transfer date (UTC) |
Published by Ricardo Schiller
Lead Architect